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Two Hebes
Youth Magic



Wakamono Mahō


Caster Magic
Subspecies Magic


Hebe Juventas
Marlon Cheshire

Youth Magic (若者魔法 Wakamono Mahō) is a Rare Caster Magic and a Subspecies Magic of Sealing Magic created by Marlon Cheshire.


Youth Magic is an extremely rare form of synthetic magic, being created by Marlon Cheshire; an esoterologist. It combines the fundamental abilities of transformation and an advanced form of Sealing Magic. The caster must remember extremely powerful memories of their youth and seal them within their body; making them impervious to the effects of memory-based magic. Once the memories have been permanently sealed within the caster's body; the caster transforms into their younger self, their age being determined by the age they were in the memories they chose to seal within themselves.

This magic also has a side effect, since Sealing Magic was used in it's creation, an added effect is that once in their transformed state, their aging process becomes halted or "sealed", meaning that the caster will not get any older for however long they remain in their transformed state, this magic is not reversed if the user if knocked unconscious and is reverses upon the user's whim only.

Any other additional effects depend solely on the age that the user transforms to, a child like transformation being more hyperactive with a smaller frame, slightly older transformations having more magical reserves than their older selves, due to being in their prime. Marlon has revealed that his reason for creating this magic is that he wished to return to his magical prime, where his abilities where unmatched and he had the most vitality in his life.


  • This magic is inspired by Luu's Cinderella Fever from Magico.
  • The halted aging process does not provide immortality, as the user is not able to regenerate instantaneously but rather simply does not become any older.
  • The ability of not aging was inspired by Mystique from X-Men and this - as well as Memory Control resistance - was added to separate the magic from simple Transformation.